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The Team

We grew up in this world, and the digital realm is simply a part of us.

In elementary school, we kept in touch with our friends on Live Messenger. In middle school, we shared the funniest videos on YouTube. In high school, we organized parties using Facebook events.

This passion for the Internet allowed us to work for companies and multinational corporations in the sector after our university studies.

Absorbing what these entities had to offer enhanced our skills, taught us new methodologies, and highlighted the importance of teamwork.

We are straightforward and dynamic individuals who believe in personal relationships and the tangible results of what we do, with the ultimate goal of positively influencing and generating value for others.

We share the same principles and felt that together, we could create something greater.

That's why Lab Digital was born.

Lorenzo Bonzi

Founder & Digital Marketing Specialist

  • Google Ads Account Strategist Via Vendor ( 1 Anno e 8 Mesi)

  • Google Ads Trainer Via Vendor ( 4 Mesi)


Motivational Phrase:

If water is scarce, the duck does not float - Archimede (??)

Lorenzo Bonzi

Just A Couple Words:

As a child, in dialect, they called me "Schiasciabutun" (Button Smasher). I am fascinated by technology, and my curiosity drives me to literally "press any button" I find in front of me, both physical and digital.

Working for and believing in something greater than myself is what fuels my mission to make the digital world increasingly accessible and valuable for small and medium-sized businesses.

Let's Give Some Numbers:

  • Number of advertising accounts managed: 1100+ 
  • Advertising spend managed: 15+ Million EUR 
  • Consultations held: 2800+ Campaigns created: 400+ 
  • Guides sent: 600+ 
  • Conversions created on GTM: 250+ 
  • Dynamic remarketing setups: 40+ 
  • Websites developed: 10+ 
  • UX/UI audits conducted: 10+ 
  • Fruit juices consumed: 400+

Emanuele Boggio

Business Analyist & Content Creator

  • Business Development ( 2 anni e 8 mesi )
  • Content Creation e Copywriting ( 2 anni )


Motivational Phrase:

To move from A to B you need to know where you start from and look at where you want to arrive. But if you always look at the same point, where do you think you're going?

Emanuele Boggio

Just A Couple Words:

At university, a friend of mine called me the "man of why." I like to get to the bottom of things and am not satisfied with appearances: if an analysis needs to be done or the reason for a result or behavior needs to be researched, I'm there.

I love traveling and exploring the world because I believe that staying still doesn't allow me to understand perspectives different from my own.

Let's Give Some Numbers:

  • Editorial content created: 100+ 
  • Consultations held: 1000+ 
  • Leads developed: 300+ 
  • Market analyses conducted: 10+ 
  • Countries visited: 25+

Eloisa D'Auria

Google Ads Specialist & Data Analyst

  • Google Ads Account Strategist via Vendor (1 Year and 3 Months) 
  • Senior Marketing Specialist for Luxury Real Estate (Present)


Motivational Phrase:

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist waits for it to change. The realist adjusts the sails.

Eloisa D'Auria

Just A Couple Words:

With initial experiences far removed from anything related to online marketing, I now find myself only feeling certain emotions when working with a properly indexed site and an obsessive focus on UX.

How I ended up in this trap, I still can't explain, but what I can say is that I have a constant hunger for data and I love studying user behavior on every single page, almost to the point of stalking...

Let's Give Some Numbers:

  • Number of advertising accounts managed: 1000+ 
  • Advertising spend managed: 12+ Million EUR 
  • Consultations held: 2400+ 
  • Campaigns created: 300+ 
  • Guides sent: 400+ 
  • Analytics accounts analyzed: 150+ 
  • Prayers to San Gennaro: 1200+
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Lab Digital
Lisbon, Portugal

VAT: PT301416630

©2023 Lab Digital
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